A Short Experience of Marketing
A marketing guy visited me today. He was marketing for a new hotel at Indore, bypass. He came with lucrative offers like free lunches, stay, party etc at a meagre price of Rs. 2000/.
Generally speaking, I don’t have much faith in such verbal marketing strategy, unless it’s verifiable. He showed me details of customers who recently joined his offer – but that’s a fail strategy until I personally know that person.
I declined his offer and the guy left me with no information about the hotel …. not even a contact card of that hotel or information brochure. All he gave me was his own personal contact card which belonged to some marketing agency.
All in all, it was poor marketing for that hotel – neither I bought his service nor was he able to advertise his client properly. I even forgot hotel’s name now !
Lessons learned:
- Crack the deal at very best, but make sure to advertise at the very least.
- In digital age and with educated audience – unverifiable information generally doesn’t work.
- Personal reference are undeniably most powerful, until of course they are “personal”.
Gotta keep this in mind, will come handy with my startup someday.